Join Us on World Hep Day

Hepatitis can’t wait!

In commemoration of World Hepatitis Day, we are hosting our Hep Free 2030 annual meeting to share updates on our five priorities and, more importantly, to get your ideas on what to do next! We will also premiere our next storyteller short film :)

As part of the World Hepatitis Alliance’s campaign, Hepatitis Can’t Wait, we will continue to push for hepatitis elimination in Hawai’i and the Pacific. Join us!

Register here to participate in the virtual, one-hour meeting on Wednesday, July 28 at 5pm HST.

Send your video of support!

Our amazing social media maven, Anika, will be creating a short video for the World Hepatitis Alliance to celebrate World Hepatitis Day. To participate, please record a video of yourself saying the following:

“Every 30 seconds, we lose someone to Hepatitis. This is a call for help to stop this horrible disease once and for all. Viral hepatitis elimination means giving someone a chance to take control of their life once again. Raise awareness, get tested, and support others because hepatitis can’t wait.”

Send videos (as mp3 file, preferably) to Anika Martin at  (preferably as an mp3 file) no later than 7/18. We will be sending the video for final submission by 7/20.


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Hep Stories in Marshallese